Welcome to Transport Africa

Transport Africa researches and curates the (hi)stories, theories, concepts, models, practices, and systems of (non)motorized transportation and travels in/of/from Africa. It is written, edited, designed, and produced by a team of transport academics, researchers, and professionals who are passionate about sharing information on Africa’s transportation and travels. They are solely responsible for the content on this website unless otherwise noted. Their goal is to track the state of transportation, mobility, accessibility and traveling in Africa. They also aim to examine transport datasets, and explore the intricate relationships between transportation projects and politics, both at the national and local levels.Transport Africa is simply for the interested citizen, the studious politician, an ambitious planner or student, a fact-checking journalist or the high-growth market businessman. Transport Africa is the most valuable online asset for Africa’s transportation news and research.The authors will appreciate readers relevant information, corrections and updates through the contact form.

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Image Source Unsplash by Tembinkosi Sikupela

Video Also Available At: Transport Africa Youtube